WM European Data Hub
On behalf of Wertpapier-Mitteilungen, we have developed the WM European Documents Hub, which is the leading platform for regulatory documents in Europe.
Currently, the database contains 4.5 million PRIIPs and KIDs for securitized derivatives as well as more than 27,000 fund documents. The documents are recalculated on-demand with up-to-date data so that the investment advisor can provide his client with a document at the time of investment advice.
All versions of these documents are archived to ensure complete transparency of investment advice ex-post, as required by regulation.
Our current coverage in Securitized Derivatives
PRIIPs data reported by manufacturers: approx. 2,01 million ISINs
PRIIPs data Source WM: approx. 0.20 million ISINs
PRIIP-KIDs and additional documents in the EDH: approx. 2.2 million ISINs
Coverage for mutual funds:
Fonds-KIID/WAI and Supplementary Documents for more than 27.000 ISINs